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Cor8 is a dynamic, all-female horn octet formed of London-based freelancers. Born in 2018 out of the realisation that, across the London music colleges, our cohort was almost entirely women, Cor8 share a love for collaborative performance and inspiring young players. The ensemble brings together musicians from England, Ireland, Wales, Portugal and Bulgaria with the aim to bring a rich blend of genres and new music commissions to audiences across the UK and Ireland.

Cor8 have performed at Saffron Hall, Ely Cathedral, Milton Court, West Road Concert Hall, Kennington Park, St. Peter’s by the Waterfront and were featured performers and workshop leaders at the British Horn Festival 2019.

As freelancers, Cor8’s members have performed with the London Symphony Orchestra, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Philharmonia Orchestra, BBC Concert Orchestra, orchestra of the Royal Opera House, English National Opera, Welsh National Opera and Garsington Opera. Our players have also had seats in pit orchestras across the UK, and each have extensive education portfolios.

During the global pandemic, Cor8 launched ‘Cor8 Horn Club’, a monthly club on Zoom bringing together horn players of all abilities and from all around the world, each session with a different theme involving bespoke arrangements to play along online, performance opportunities, breakout groups and games. The ensemble’s name is a play on the term “quorate”; which is synonymous with diplomacy and equality - qualities that sit at the heart of the ethos of the ensemble.

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Rachmaninov Piano Concerto with Avguste Antonov at St George the Martyr Church, Southwark

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  • 08/04  

    Rachmaninov Piano Concerto with Avguste Antonov

    venue St George the Martyr Church, Southwark

    tickets TBC



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Millie Lihoreau